Worlds oldest computer user

Granted, not a pc or laptop, but still: Virginia loves her iPad. For perspective: she was born in the year aluminium foil was invented. And this: 1910 inventions. In the first 10 years of her life, this was added: 1910-1920 inventions. Yet she’s still rhyming better than most rappers these days 🙂

Thanq Mr. OneDayCompany!

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Is TaGXedo the new Wordle?

Is TaGXedo the new Wordle?

You have seen them before: word (or tag) clouds. Wordle was the first one (correct me if I’m wrong). I once imported my LinkedIn contacts – and just now my tags: cloudy. Interestingly enough, Wordle is now used by a Dutch scientist to evaluate policy-programs of political parties: based on their wordclouds, he determines what they (claim to) emphasize on (yet even the experts had a hard time guessing which cloud belonged to what party…) – view them here.

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Colossal lettering

Colossal lettering

You’re married. For 10 years. With the same woman. To celebrate that, you visit Rome (one of the cities I love, visited twice, and want to will return to, one day). Then you return home. But instead of putting pictures in your family album, you start drawing letters – as you have done before. Because you love fonts, letters and typography. And like to spend quite some time on it. 250 hours, more or less. The result?

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